On 08/23/2011 11:20 AM, Florian Ragwitz wrote:
Todd Rinaldo<to...@cpanel.net>  writes:

I propose Tie::File be moved out of cpan and into dist in source, with
p5p registered as the owner of the module.

Does anyone see a problem with this?

I don't believe having the porters do more work and have more
responsibility is the right thing to handle unresponsive CPAN authors.

If the author does not react to takeover requests directly, the next
place to go to usually is modules@perl.org, asking the PAUSE admins to
transfer co-maint to you.

That is correct.

Being the person who handles most of the take-over requests on modules@perl.org, I'll add that Todd has done exactly that to non-core modules MANY times in the past when a new perl release has broken CPAN modules.

Let me take this opportunity to publicly thank Todd for doing this tireless work. It takes considerable tactfulness in dealing with occasionally reluctant almost-disappeared module authors and stamina in tracking them down in the first place. If we do not want to leave a significant fraction of CPAN in the dust, this work is very important as we push forward and improve the core with occasional fallout. Thank you, Todd!

Best regards,

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