Hi Randy, hi Geoff,

Randy, since Geoff apparently has been away from Perl/CPAN for quite some time, I've made you co-maintainer of Text::VimColor.

Geoff, if you object, please note that this is entirely reversible.

Best regards,
(for the PAUSE admins)

On 07/27/2011 05:44 PM, Randy Stauner wrote:
I'm interested in maintaining Text::VimColor.
I have a development tree on github that includes patches for 4 of the 5
the cpan rt tickets (2 of which are mine):

I emailed Geoff a few months ago (See below) and never received a response.

I asked in IRC (#perl at freenode) and it sounded like 2 guys (one being
"apeiron", I think) knew him once but hadn't seen him in a while.

I posted on blogs.perl.org <http://blogs.perl.org>:
but didn't get any responses except for @ykorshak linking to the post on
twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/ykorshak/status/92172931278446592

Is there anything else I should do?
Thank you very much.

- Randy

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Randy Stauner* <rwstau...@cpan.org <mailto:rwstau...@cpan.org>>
Date: Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 11:05 PM
Subject: Text::VimColor maintenance (perl/CPAN)
To: q...@laxan.com <mailto:q...@laxan.com>, ge...@laxan.com
<mailto:ge...@laxan.com>, geo...@cpan.org <mailto:geo...@cpan.org>

Hi Geoff,

I found Text::VimColor on CPAN (http://search.cpan.org/dist/Text-VimColor/)
and realized that it was something I had been thinking about for a while.
I was surprised that the included script (text-vimcolor) didn't have a
terminal output format.
I whipped up a vimcat script that does it in about 4 lines of code
(plus a few extra lines for a hash translation and some use statements).

I could release a separate App::vimcat dist,
but it seems like a terminal output format would be a good addition to
the main module.
However when I saw that it was last updated in 2006 and the bugs on RT
were years old as well,
I thought perhaps email was the best chance to reach you.

Would you accept a patch for adding Term::ASNIColor output as a
Text::VimColor option?
I see that you haven't released on CPAN in many years...
If you're no longer interested in maintaining it would you be willing to
make me a co-maintainer so I may release a new version?
I would be willing to work on the current bugs on CPAN RT as well.
Or would you prefer that I release something separate?

Thank you very much for your time (and your work on Text::VimColor).

- Randy

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