On 07/25/2011 09:17 AM, Caleb Cushing wrote:
On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 12:11 PM, Matt S Trout<m...@shadowcat.co.uk>  wrote:
On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 11:52:17AM -0500, Caleb Cushing wrote:
As it stands on cpan the module doesn't work, upstream has changed
it's API, or modules since. I've refactored the code to get it
working, and would like to take over the module. Is this possible to
do without the original author's approval? below is a link to my git

File a bug on rt.cpan.org, cc every address you can find for him - if
that doesn't elicit a response in a few weeks we can assign you co-maint.


So I finally managed to get a hold of him. He said it's fine with him
if I take over, though he hasn't assigned me co-maint or anything. I'm
not sure if he knows' how (god I hate RT for not figuring the
threading out). I know it's not been that long but are you guys
allowed to take this response and just go ahead and make me comaint?



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