Lets try that again.

I may be a co-maint, but it's not in my repository and Marek has done
the last few releases.

I was added to co-maint in 2007 but because Marek was doing stuff with
it I never ended up actually doing anything.

Since it's been a couple of years since his last release (of
Pod::Parser or anything else), I'm happy to pull it into my repository
and start doing release management if we can't get a response from

Adam K

On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 2:48 PM, Todd Rinaldo <to...@null.net> wrote:
> Adam,
> Pod-Parser has got a few bugs. The most annoying problem for me is
> that the version in the module is out of sync with the distro, this
> causes a perpetual re-install in CPAN. I show you as a co-maint. Would
> you be open to me updating svn and then you can do the release?
> https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=52086
> --
> Todd Rinaldo
> to...@null.net

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