On Feb 13, 2011, at 16:04 , Nigel Metheringham wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm willing to pick up ongoing maintenance of the HTML::Formatter which 
> hasn't been updated since 2004 and is showing a few signs of needing a little 
> maintenance including warnings being emitted on recent perl versions:-
>  https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=54636

That's great!

> Intention is to do maintenance only rather currently having significant 
> future development - basically to clear the current RT queue.
> I did email Sean M Burke - the most recent active maintainer, but with no 
> response.  He appears to have not pushed anything onto CPAN since early 2005.
> The two of you have co-maint/modulelist rights over the module according to 
> Would you be willing to support me taking co-maintainer over this?

I would not mind, but I don't have permission at PAUSE for changing this.  I'm 
just a co-maintainer myself.

It looks like JGOFF was set as primary maintainer at some point; but he has not 
released anything; <http://search.cpan.org/~jgoff/>.  I hope we can get Andreas 
to override this.


>       Nigel.

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