Hi Rajesh,

On 04.11.2010 20:43, Rajesh Turlapati wrote:
I  successly used X11-GUITest-0.21
<http://search.cpan.org/~ctrondlp/X11-GUITest-0.21/>  for sending
commands from my code to a window. But can you please point me how to
use this library for full screen 3D games that have no window names? I
apologize if this has a trivial answer but I am kind of new to linux OS.
Specifically if I start gedit
my($winID)  = WaitWindowViewable('gedit')
--returns with an Id that I can use it
--but I cannot do the same for a 3D game  that opens in a full screeen

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(for the PAUSE admins)

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