On Nov 11, 2003, at 14:09, DH wrote:
all my modules don't show up on http://search.cpan.org
and the latest versions don't show up on http://search.cpan.org/~PODMASTER
and some of them weren't listed on http://search.cpan.org/recent

I went through a few rounds of reindexing/deleting
trying to get
to show up.

Well you have obviously found out how useful it is to publish these problems in blogs instead of reporting them. If you read your blog you would have seen a response which stated

Well the reason is simple, there was a problem unpacking the tar file

tar zxv --no-same-owner -f PPM-Repositories-0.07.tar.gz
tar: Archive value 4294967295 is out of gid_t range -2147483648..2147483647

This is on solaris, on linix it is fine as gid_t is unsigned on linux but signed on solaris

What are you using to create the tar file and on what platform?

also, what's up with the module list? I asked before

Did I mention I'm increasingly becoming fond of kobesearch.cpan.org,
even  though it's not as "pretty"? ;)

Nobody is forcing anyone to use any particular engine. If you prefer kobesearch then fine use it.

But I will say once more. If you report problems as you find them, to the people who need to know, instead of just whinging in blogs that things are crap, then things might be better as they will get fixed


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