Hi, I have a problem with the installation of my modules (Text::MagicTemplate and HTML::MagicTemplate) that I am not able to solve by myself even reading all the doc I found until now.
It's a very simple installation with just 2 very simple Makefile.PL, that I checked some hundred of times, but I probably ignore some simple rule or there is a bug in the cpan system. If you try to install by cpan the Text::MagicTemplate module, cpan tries to install HTML::MagicTemplate instead, and since the HTML::MagicTemplate has the Text::MagicTemplate module as a prerequisite, cpan detects a recursive dependency. Please try this to reproduce the problem : install Bundle::Text::MagicTemplate It should be reproducible even if you just try: install Text::MagicTemplate These are the important lines that you should obtain from the installation that should explain the problem: > Running install for module Text::MagicTemplate > Running make for D/DO/DOMIZIO/HTML-MagicTemplate-3.14.tar.gz Please let me know what is happening. THANK YOU for your time Domizio Demichelis