The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: modid: Markup DSLIP: bdpOg description: 3 Modules (Tree, TreeNode, and Content) userid: BPRUDENT (Brandon Prudent) chapterid: 11 (String_Lang_Text_Proc) communities:
similar: XML::Parser, HTML::Parser rationale: The first two modules (which are ready to be released and will be later tonight or tommorow (11/06/03)), Markup::Tree and Markup::TreeNode are modules similar to XML and HTML ::Parser. In fact, these modules are required. Markup::Tree is a unified way to access Markup documents in a clean, easy and intuitive fashion. The last of the modules, Content, is currently being written based on the previous two modules. The intent of Markup::Content is to extract HTML content from static pages or websites. A proof-of-concept can be found at: I wouldn't mind putting this under another namespace, except I don't know what it would fit under :(. I couldn't find any other modules that unify markup. Any comments, questions, or otherwise can be sent to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks for your consideration :) enteredby: BPRUDENT (Brandon Prudent) enteredon: Thu Nov 6 22:35:10 2003 GMT The resulting entry would be: Markup bdpOg 3 Modules (Tree, TreeNode, and Content) BPRUDENT Thanks for registering, -- The PAUSE PS: The following links are only valid for module list maintainers: Registration form with editing capabilities: Immediate (one click) registration: