The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       TM
  DSLIP:       cdcOb
  description: library for building Topic Maps applications
  userid:      ALGER (Jan Algermissen)
  chapterid:   23 (Miscellaneous_Modules)



    I request 'TM' as a rootlevel namespace because Topic Maps don't
    fit into any of the other namespaces so far. As there is no
    namespace related to knowledge representation or knowledge
    management in general, it is propably a better solution to have a
    rootlevel namespace 'KR' or 'KM' and make TM a subspace in turn. I
    am still open to rename TM into KR::TM or KM::TM. It might also be
    worth to consider to line up with the ODP hierarchy:

    although KM::KR::TM is propably overkill...

    Note that Topic Maps cannot be subsummed under WWW, since they are
    not an XML or Web application per se. Only is XTM a subset of Topic
    Maps that aimes to bring Topic Maps to the Web. Topic Maps (in the
    sense that my implementation approaches them) are not even a markup

    Thanks and regards--

    Jan Algermissen

  enteredby:   ALGER (Jan Algermissen)
  enteredon:   Sat Nov  1 18:33:22 2003 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

TM                cdcOb library for building Topic Maps applications ALGER

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