On Fri, Oct 24, 2003 at 12:05:05AM +0200, Perl Authors Upload Server wrote:
> The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
>   modid:       Image::Schedule
>   DSLIP:       RdpOp
>   description: creates schedule image with labelled events
>   userid:      RAHUNT (Rebecca A Hunt)
>   chapterid:   18 (Images_Pixmaps_Bitmaps)
>   communities:
>   similar:
>   rationale:
>     Image::Schedule creates an image file of a schedule. For example,
>     it could be used to create a graphic of your Mon-Friday 9-5
>     schedule, with your meetings and appointments listed and color
>     coded. The days and hours shown can be customized, and events for
>     specific days and times can be labelled, and colored.
>     It requires Image::Magick.
>     The namespace Image::Schedule follows the apparent reasoning of
>     other modules within Image. "Schedule" describes the type of image
>     that can be created (similar to how "Image::Thumbnail" and
>     "Image::Worldmap" are descriptive of the types of images they create).

That reasoning fits Image::Thumbnail as it's dealing with any image.

But I think Image::Worldmap is a bad choice. Would have been better
under a Geo namespace.

Similarly Image::Schedule is more relevant to scheduling than images
and so a name in the Schedule:: namespace would be a better fit.

Also "Schedule::Image" is too general. Perhaps Schedule::TableImage
(assuming your module generates images of schedules in a tabular format).


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