The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: modid: Regexp::Genex DSLIP: cdpfp description: Get strings matching a regex, using a regex userid: BOWMANBS (Brad Bowman) chapterid: 11 (String_Lang_Text_Proc) communities: Idea & prior art search at perlmonks nodes: 284513 286981
similar: String::Random rationale: I'm have a prelimiary version working which I'll upload soonish. The basic idea is on the perlmonks link, although I'm using YAPE::Regex to automate it. Naming ------------------------------------------ Regexp::Genex because the module is more focussed on the regex than the resulting strings. Genex is the name I started using. (Admittedly, I like the Reality Bites connotations) I prefer it to Regexp::Generator because that sounds like what Regexp::List & Regexp::PreSuf are doing. There's also Regex::Generate in parrot. I want to avoid these false associations but am open to better ideas. Synposis ------------------------------------------ This stuff is going more or less: use Regexp::Genex qw(strings regex rx_string count); my $rx = shift || '^a(b|c)d{2,3}$' || qr/^ reg(ular\s?)? ex(p)?(ression)? $/x; print "'", join("', '", strings($rx)), "'\n"; # 'abddd', 'abdd', 'acddd', 'acdd' my $target = 'a' x 2; # limits total quantifiers, greed is search order print "got '$_'\n" for( $target =~ regex('^a(b|c)d*?$'); # 'ab', 'abd', 'abdd', 'abddd', 'ac', 'acd', 'acdd', 'acddd' do { print 'len ',length($target),' => count ',count($rx); } while ( $target += 'a' x 3 ); # len 3 => count 8, len 6 => count 14, len 9 => 20 # count = 2 * (len + 1) print rx_string($rx); # 'aaaaaaaaa' =~ /(?x-ims: # ^(?> (?{ @_ = (); '' }) ) # Initialize $^R & @_ # (?: (?{ $^R.'a' }) ) # a # ( # (?: (?{ $^R.'b' }) ) # b # |(?: (?{ $^R.'c' }) ) # c # ) # (?: . (?{ $^R.'d' }) ){0,20}? # d*? # # (?{ push @_, $^R }) (?!) # Save & backtrack # ) # /x; Utility ------------------------------------------- Test and debug your regex. Generate test data. Generate combinations. Generate data according to a lexical pattern (urls, etc) Edit the regex code to do different things (eg. limit it) Analyse someone else's qr// object. Use the strings to create a DFA :) Unlike String::Random, the strings aren't random :) they're what the regex engine would look for. They're ordered and exhaustive to the limit of target string size. I also plan to do something sensible to other regex elements. eg. non-anchored has implicit .* at start and end, '.', \d, [a-d] produce random matches (exhaustive to much), enteredby: BOWMANBS (Brad Bowman) enteredon: Sat Sep 13 10:08:48 2003 GMT The resulting entry would be: Regexp:: ::Genex cdpfp Get strings matching a regex, using a regex BOWMANBS Thanks for registering, -- The PAUSE PS: The following links are only valid for module list maintainers: Registration form with editing capabilities: Immediate (one click) registration: