The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       Tk::Taxis
  DSLIP:       bdpOp
  description: Widget for simulating biological taxis
  userid:      SCOOK (Steve Cook)
  chapterid:    8 (User_Interfaces)
    Perlmonks when I have it fully polished



    It's a Tk composite widget, so I guess it goes in a Tk::blah
    namespace or nowhere! I doubt anyone else would want to use the
    Tk::Taxis namespace, as it's quite esoteric.

    The approach is to use an arena (Tk::Canvas) in which configurable
    critter objects (Tk::Photo) can move according to the rules of
    biological taxis, the movement that e.g. bacteria use to swim up a
    concentration gradient of food. A sample script of woodlice in a
    light/dark choice chamber is included.

    Although this module probably has a limited audience, I hope it may
    be of use to a few biologists and teachers out there.

  enteredby:   SCOOK (Steve Cook)
  enteredon:   Fri Aug 29 11:25:43 2003 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::Taxis           bdpOp Widget for simulating biological taxis       SCOOK

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