Hi and welcome to The Straight Dope Mailing List, a weekly bulletin from Straight Dope World HQ. We've got several departments, including Cecil's current weekly column, Straight Dope classics, staff reports by the Straight Dope Science Advisory Board, the latest from Weird Earl's, and whatever else we feel like throwing in. The mailing will offer a sampling of what's new at the Straight Dope this week and provide links so you can get the full text for any item that interests you. Should you ever decide you'd like to leave the list, unsubscribe instructions will be included in every mailing we send to you. In addition, there will be a link at our website at http://www.straightdope.com where you can change your email address, put your account on hold, or unsubscribe.
We put together a mailing every Friday (usually) and our friends at jokeaday.com send it out for free. Help us maintain this attractive financial arrangement by visiting www.jokeaday.com and saying what a nice site they have, how handsome Ray (the proprietor) looks today, etc. We know we can count on you. Thanks for joining us!