Title: Dexterity Product Activation Server

Dexterity Product Activation Server v1.0

Dexterity Product Activation Server protects your software from illegal copies by Product Activation technology.

Product Activation is an industrial standard and state of the art measure to protect the software from illegal and pirated copies. With the Product Activation technique, software venders can control and monitor the distribution of their software and ensure that the software is executed on authorized and licensed machine only.

In the process of Product Activation, the identity of the copy of the software and the information of the machine that the copy is installed to is sent to the server. Then an association of this pair of information is recorded in the server. If, some time later, the same copy of the software is activated from another machine, the server will know that and deny the activation. So, that copy cannot be executed.

By Product Activation, pirated copies of the software are no longer usable on other machines even an original and valid Product Key is distributed with the software. As the result, true protection against illegal copies of the software can be realized.

Moreover, in order to provide high security of protection. Dexterity PAS provides many new techniques against hacking and cracking. These techniques include Implicit Anti-debugging Code, Anti-Patch Decryption of Code and Invisible Important Program Code. For details, please visit our site.


The features of the Dexterity Product Activation Server includes:

  • Support Multiple Products
  • Fully Customizable Product Key
  • Fully Customizable Serial Number Restriction
  • Reactivation in different machine
  • Support Web Base Activation
  • One Click Client Program Construction
  • Client Program SDK for Developers
  • Activation Access Control
  • High Security by RSA encryption

Anti-Cracking features of Dexterity PAS includes:

  • Implicit Anti-Debugging Code
  • Encryption of Main Program
  • Anti-Debug Key Computation and Decryption Algorithm
  • Self-Protected Key Computation
  • Random Factor in Decryption Key
  • Invisible Important Program Code

Home Page: http://www.dexterity.com.hk/PAS

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