
Due to lack of time an experience, I'd like to transfer my module 'Net-DHCP-0.11' to 
CPAN contributor Max Baker with CPAN ID MAX.

Thank's in advance and kind regards,

Francis van Dun

 'Max Baker' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I would be honored to take it over.  I don't know too much about DHCP,
>but for starters I would like to document it and repackage it as I said.
>Then, I could probably get more help from other developers and try to
>turn it into a core module.
>To transfer it over, I would send a message to 
>and say that you would like to transfer Net::DHCP over to me.
>Include your CPAN ID : FVANDUN and my CPAN ID : MAXB  in the message.
>I'll definately keep you posted on the progress.
>Thanks for the quick reply,
>On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 08:55:27PM +0200, F. van Dun wrote:
>> Hello Max,
>> Feel free to do anything you like with the package.
>> I was not really planning another release, mainly because I am not such an
>> experienced programmer. (I just know something about networking and perl)
>> If you have concrete suggestions I can incorporate them, or else I can
>> transfer the module to you (if that's anyway possible?). It's as you prefer
>> it.
>> Kind regards,
>> Francis van Dun
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Max Baker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: dinsdag 24 juni 2003 1:53
>> Subject: Net::DHCP
>> Hi,
>> I'll be using Net::DHCP for a project to use mon
>> (http://www.kernel.org/software/mon/) with OpenView.  I need something
>> to monitor DHCP for me and let OpenView know when things go wrong.
>> I like the module, think it will work for me find.  But I was wondering
>> if you were still maintaining it, and if you planned another release?
>> I would like to help you package and document it so that it is more CPAN
>> friendly.  In it's current format it's hard to automatically use as a
>> dependency with MakeMaker and CPAN.
>> Let me know if you are interested.
>> Max Baker
>> netdisco.org / UCSC.edu

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