On Monday 16 June 2003 10:17 am, Graham Barr wrote: > On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 09:27, Tim Bunce wrote: > > Is there a problem with this: > > > > $class = UNIVERSAL::isa( $foo, "UNIVERSAL") ? ref $foo : undef;
No,, but it is quite verbose. > Also, there is Scalar::Util::blessed Yep. More fool me for not enough RTFM. I have documented my ignorance in the POD, and directed would-be users to it. > > (And the Acme:: category isn't for "typically useful" modules :) In this case, it's not a problem: Acme::Holy's usefulness is somewhat diminished by Scalar::Util ;) Ian -- s&&@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@##@@#&&&y&^#@&712&&&($;='z')&&s&(..)&0$1&g&&s&$&0&&&s&(.)([^01])& $1x$2&xge&&($.='a')&&s&$&d4823604df80d7e51d7018b9&&&(@_=$...$;)&&undef$.;do {s&(.)(.*)(.)&$..=$1.$3,$2&e}while(length);s&&$.&;$*=0;undef$.;$..=($_?$_[( $*+=$_)[EMAIL PROTECTED]:$")foreach(map{hex}m&(..)&g);s&.*&$.$/&&&s&(\b.)&\U$1&go&&print