I received the following message when uploading Time::Format v0.03 yesterday afternoon.
I had uploaded Time::Format v0.02 (my first upload of this module) on Jun 10 with no problem. But I got this "not indexed" message yesterday, Jun 11. And in fact, the new version of the module did not show up on CPAN for several hours. However, it did eventually show up. I did click on "View Permissions", and it listed PGALUCCI as an author who had "first-come claims on the name Time::Format, as well as several other modules. However, when I search on CPAN for Time::Format, it returns my module and nothing else by that name. Also, when I look up PGOLUCCI in CPAN by author, it shows a blank page -- no modules listed. Is there some sort of problem? I would like to register Time::Format as a modulelist module at some point, when it becomes more stable. I hope that this will be doable. ----- Forwarded message from PAUSE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ----- Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 20:13:26 +0200 From: PAUSE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: PAUSE indexer report ROODE/Time-Format-0.03.tar.gz To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] The following report has been written by the PAUSE namespace indexer. Please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] if there are any open questions. Id: mldistwatch 342 2003-04-03 09:55:14Z k User: ROODE (Eric J. Roode) Distribution file: Time-Format-0.03.tar.gz Number of files: 10 *.pm files: 1 README: Time-Format-0.03/README Timestamp of file: Wed Jun 11 17:37:44 2003 UTC Time of this run: Wed Jun 11 18:13:26 2003 UTC The following packages have been found in the distro: Time::Format version: 0.03 in file: Time-Format-0.03/Format.pm status: Not indexed because permissions missing. Visit PAUSE and click "View Permissions" to find the legitimate maintainer(s). __END__ ----- End forwarded message ----- -- Eric J. Roode [EMAIL PROTECTED] $_ = reverse sort $/.r , qw p ekca ts lre reh uJ p, map $_ . $" , qw e p h tona e and print