The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       Debug::ShowStuff
  DSLIP:       Rdpfp
  description: Handy routines for displaying values
  userid:      MIKO (Miko O'Sullivan)
  chapterid:    3 (Development_Support)




    Debug::ShowStuff - A collection of handy debugging routines for
    displaying the values of variables with a minimum of coding.


    use Debug::ShowStuff ':all'; # display values of a hash or hash
    reference showhash %hash; showhash $hashref; # display values of an
    array or array reference showarr @arr; showarr $arrref; # show all
    nested structures showref $reference # show all the params received
    through CGI showcgi(); # A particularly fancy utility: display
    STDERR # at top of web page my $warnings = showstderr;


    "Debug::ShowStuff" grew dynamically from my needs in debugging
    code. I found myself doing the same tasks over and over...
    displaying the keys and values in a hash, displaying the elements in
    an array, displaying the output of STDERR in a web page, etc.
    "Debug::ShowStuff" began as two or three of my favorite routines and
    grew as I added to that collection. Finally I decided to publish
    these tools in the hope that others will find them useful.

    "Debug::ShowStuff" is intended for debugging, not for production
    work. I would discourage anyone from using "Debug::ShowStuff" in
    ready-for-primetime code. "Debug::ShowStuff" is only for
    quick-n-dirty displays of variable values in order to debug your

    These functions display values that I personally like them
    displayed, but your preferences may be different. I encourage you to
    modify "Debug::ShowStuff" to suit your own needs.


    The functions in "Debug::ShowStuff" are designed to output either
    in plain text mode (like if you're running the script from a command
    prompt, or in web mode (like for a CGI). If the script appears to be
    running in a CGI or other web mode (see the "inweb" function) then
    values are output using HTML, with special HTML characters escaped
    for proper display. Othewise the values are output as they are.

    Generally you won't need to bother telling the routines
    "Debug::ShowStuff" which way to display stuff... it figures it out
    on its own.


    The functions that start with "show" dynamically either output to
    STDOUT or STDERR, or return a string to a variable, depending on the
    context in which the functions are called. For example, if you call
    showhash in a void context:

    showhash %myhash;

    then the contents of %myhash are output to STDOUT. On the other
    hand, if the function is called in scalar context:

    my $var = showhash(%myhash);

    then the same string that would have been output to STDOUT is
    instead returned and stored in $var. If the function is called in
    list context:

    my @arr = showhash(%myhash);

    then the array is assigned a single element that consists of the
    entire string that should be output.

  enteredby:   MIKO (Miko O'Sullivan)
  enteredon:   Wed May 28 18:40:18 2003 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::ShowStuff       Rdpfp Handy routines for displaying values         MIKO

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