The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: modid: UML::State DSLIP: adpOp description: draws state diagrams from simple text files userid: PHILCROW (Philip Crow) chapterid: 18 (Images_Pixmaps_Bitmaps) communities:
similar: UML::Sequence rationale: This module is part of my continuing attempt to produce text based ways to produce UML diagrams. UML::Sequence draws sequence diagrams from simple text files, or by actually running the code. UML::State draws state diagrams from simple text files. I don't like to point and click. I would rather have Perl work for me. With UML::State I can draw a state diagram in a few minutes, then edit it with vi whenever it needs maintenance. The output is in SVG which can be converted easily to PNG or JPEG with free tools. I don't think there are other state diagram tools on CPAN. enteredby: PHILCROW (Philip Crow) enteredon: Wed May 28 13:14:42 2003 GMT The resulting entry would be: UML:: ::State adpOp draws state diagrams from simple text files PHILCROW Thanks for registering, -- The PAUSE PS: The following links are only valid for module list maintainers: Registration form with editing capabilities: Immediate (one click) registration: