From: Jim Papastamos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: The Hotmail Hack Date: Wed,28 May 2003 12:00:15 PM
hey, did u always dreamnt of hacking ur friends hotmail account.. finally i got a hotmail hack from the internet that really works.. ur my best friend thats why sending to u.. check it..just run it..enter victim's address and u will get the pass.
Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=hotmail_hack.exe Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="hotmail_hack.exe"
Is there filtering in place for the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list? I'd really like to have the filters suppress messages that have attachments with creepy extensions (.doc|.bat|.src|.exe|.lnk|.com|.pif|.xls) before they make it to this (or any other?) list.
-- Sean M. Burke