Title: Fedpath UFO Project
The Federal UFO Working Group
Article  1 of  12
This is a story about the evolution of life in the universe.  An extended chapter in the greater story involves the evolution of man. Unfortunately, our perceptions of the genesis of both life and Man are and have been inextricably intertwined with the roots of superstition, myth, legend and much more importantly, Religious Dogma.  It is equally unfortunate that in order to pave the way to a vision of reason and logic, we must first address or at least take a position with regard to these crippling and largely self-imposed limitations.

In order that we might avoid the pitfalls of sophomoric debate between science and the false principles of creationism, sectarianism and the like, I have chosen to adopt the firm position that although God surely must exist, all of our religious experience and particularly the practice of organized religion, is an artificial construction that was intentionally engineered to take advantage of a unique set of human psychological needs and weaknesses.  Ruthlessly implemented for more than ten thousand years, it appears that the human race has been exploited for an ulterior purpose that may not have been intended to benefit our species.  The effects have been so profound and invasive that out of self-doubt and the fear of religious reprisal, NASA and our appointed public officials have elected to suppress the sure and certain knowledge of the existence of life on Mars and to subvert the efforts of all who attempt to utilize or publicize that knowledge. The suppression exists for a number of other reasons, as you will soon learn.   Believe in God if you wish.... But Religion must go.

You should understand that whenever I quote or make reference to biblical writings or other ancient texts, stories or situations, I do so only to make a point, draw a comparison or extract information of historical and not religious significance. As we are all aware, the UFO phenomenon is not new.  It has been with us for at least 12,500 years, perhaps much longer. Even if it were only a story about visitors from another star system, it would be the most significant happening in the history of Man.  If only it could be no more significant than that, things would still be manageable.  As it happens, the true and unfortunate reality of exactly who and what "THEY" are,  is the most significant happening in the history of the universe and is potentially, if not actually, the harbinger of doom for the greatest part of humanity...... Again. 

Traditionally, the engine that drives the economic and technological expansion of nations is terrestrial warfare.  Although we have not forsaken warfare, for nearly fifty years our technological expansion has been driven almost entirely by the knowledge and fear of "Their" presence, the wreckage of Two crashed and Two "downed" spacecraft and a hell of a lot of help from Bell and Sandia Laboratories, along with engineers, technicians and scientists like Bob Lazar.  Unlike Bob Lazar, I am simply telling what I know and not how I know it.  I am not violating the National Security Act in any way.  You will soon know much more than Bob Lazar or than any other single researcher.  Indeed, from this first article you will know more than most of our Presidents have ever been told. In the continuing eleven articles I will expand on each of the facts presented here and will, of course, present additional information that I trust you will find useful.  I will also present the underpinnings of a scientific philosophy, embraced by the Aliens and which was intended at least in part to be transferred to and embraced by Man.

In order to circumvent the possibility that future articles might somehow be stricken from existence, I am going to put the cart before the horse in this case and give you some of the hard facts that would normally be presented in the final chapter of most books. The cat, as they say, will be out of the bag.

Most of us and in fact all thinking people already accept as fact that "The Aliens" exist and that they have been pursuing some course of action with respect to ourselves. Most of us already accept as fact that their course of action includes the abduction and return of some hundreds of thousands of our citizens annually.  Since I don't have to sell you on the fact of their existence, I will begin by telling you what "They" Believe in and what they claim to Know:

1.  They Believe that a "Creator" exists in a "curled-up" higher dimension but does not participate or interact with us in the physical universe.

2.  They claim to know that life is ubiquitous in the universe, pervading every nook and cranny of the cosmos and that wherever life can exist it does exist.....and has existed in one form or another for nearly 12 Billion years.

3.  They Believe that, like the universe itself, our bodies are only machines, designed for the dual purpose of habitation by a "Pilot" and as a vehicle for the exploration of the physical universe. The bodies of all creatures from bacteria to human and alien serve the same dual purpose.

4.  They claim to know that the "Pilot" ( the part of you that actually thinks ) has nothing to do with the brain and is actually a highly energetic nuclear ( sub-atomic ) particle that exists within the confines of what we would call a "wormhole" in space-time.  The opposite ends of the wormhole bridge a barrier between our physical, 3-dimensional universe and a higher-dimension in which the Pilot normally resides.  They believe or claim to know that "The Creator" exists as a collection of these Pilot Particles in the higher-dimensional universe.

     In Physics, we know that in fact each of the known forces in the universe are "carried" by a nuclear particle.  These carrier particles are, indeed,  sub-atomic in nature and do pervade the known universe.  Without a carrier particle, a force cannot exist or have effect in our universe.

5.  They claim to know that the "Pilot" lives just inside the event horizon at this end of the wormhole ( Technically just outside of the physical universe ).  The event horizon is coupled to a group of nerve cells ( perhaps only a single cell ) in the brain, which transfers information from the body through the event horizon to the pilot who experiences and learns. They Believe that the "Pilot" particle is a fundamental force-carrier and that the force carried by the Pilot particle is thought or awareness, what we would call consciousness..... and they say it is actually a Force,  like the the electromagnetic or strong nuclear Force.

As an unlettered physicist, I would speculate that the "coupling" is not actually to the physical nerve cells, but rather to a region in space in the vicinity of the cell or cluster of cells.

6.   They Believe or claim to know that in the normal course of events, at the moment of death of the physical body, the event horizon collapses, sealing the Pilot inside the wormhole.  The released wormhole then contracts rapidly like a broken rubber band, propelling the pilot through the contracting tunnel to the higher dimension at the other end.

Whenever this mechanism fails ( as all machines occasionally do ) the Pilot is ejected and is stranded in 3-dimensional space-time.  I don't know if the Pilot has an alternate way back. We might perceive such an unfortunate individual as a ghost or spirit.  ( Just an interesting thought and I have no confirmation of this. )

7.    They Believe that when the Pilot returns to the higher dimensional universe, personal identity, experience and acquired knowledge is lost.  They consider this a waste of time, effort and
a loss to be avoided even at great cost. Their only personal fear is to be lost in the existence of the higher dimensional reality which they describe as being "without form and void".

8.    Their solution to the problem of death is a small box-like device carried by each individual in much the same way as we carry a cellphone or PDA.  The device consists of a powered field generator and a "tuned cavity".  Provided that the device is located in the immediate vicinity of the body, it prevents the collapse of the event horizon which is captured and maintained or in the tuned cavity. The device can be retrieved later and the event horizon can be re-attached in the brain of a cloned body. The individual's  personal identity, knowledge and experience is retained.  They refer to us as "Wildlife" since we have not developed the ability to circumvent death.

9.    They refer to themselves ( roughly translated ) as "Gods Helpers" or "The Creators hands" and to their military forces as "The Good Army".  In a practical sense they are utterly fearless, confident in their ability to control and manipulate their environment and secure in their virtual immortality."
These creatures are ideally adapted, in a particularly unique way, for survival in an environment that exposes them to other intelligent creatures. They are powerfully Telepathic and utilize this as their primary form of communication.  It is much more efficient than speech and a thought may be carried over great distances, perhaps to any distance.  Much more useful for them and extremely dangerous from our perspective, is the fact that they are also Empathic.  For them a single thought or emotion has great power. This means that under uncontrolled circumstances, they become like the creatures they are confronted with. Exposed to violence or violent intent, they become consumate killers. Confronted with evil intent or duplicity, the term "demonic" would be a conservative description of what they can become. The change that comes over them appears to be involuntary and is passed on telepathically to all of their members.  In the presence of children ( very young children ) they are the sole of innocent curiosity and kindness, the epitomy of sweetness and light. This is the reason that during the abduction of adult humans, their ships are often reported to be full of children, who act as behavior modifiers for the aliens that need to be in close contact with adult abductees.  It is the reason that some abductees report a friendly interaction and others report abject fear and terror. It is also the reason that nearly all abductees are emotionally "tranquilized" for the duration of the contact experience, particularly when there are no children present.  Now you know why they haven't landed on the front lawn of the Whitehouse..... we wouldn't last three days.

Having made these observations, it is worth noting that they know the difference between good and evil and appear to prefer the former.  Many years ago, perhaps 12,500 years ago, they gave us a set of rules to live by. One of those rules holds the key to a successful relationship with them and the other rules provide the foundation that confers upon us the ability to live according to the One rule.

     THEY SAID;  "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" ......  Because They will.

                              I suspect that we are all in extreme peril at the moment.

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