TELEPHONE NUMBER:+234 1 7762863, (MOBILE):+234 803 3052148 FAXNUMBER: +234 1 7599278
FROM THE OFFICE OF: MARK ODEGE Dear Sir, BUSINESS PROPOSAL: TRANSFER OF US$15.6M (FIFTEEN MILLION SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS). BUSINESS INVESTMENTS PARTNERSHIP. Good day to you. You were introduced to us in confidence.The reason for this letter is that your help is being sought in order to facilitate and successfully complete a profitable venture that is of immense benefit to you, and us the originators within a stipulated time frame. I am Mr. Mark Odege, a director with the Power and Steel Department and the Secretary of the Contract Award and Monitoring Committee (CAMC) This profitable venture involves the sum of US$15,600,000.00 (Fifteen million Six hundred thousand United States Dollars) which is presently in an account of the PSD with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). We need your help as a foreigner to help transfer this sum of US$15.6M (Fifteen million Six hundred thousand United states dollars). We cannot make this transfer on our own or in our names for the fact that we are civil servants(still in active service). But you as a foreigner can assist us in the sense that the money to be transferred will be paid to you as a contract entitlement for a purported contract executed for my government. The money in question is ready for transfer into an overseas account which we expect you to provide. We have agreed that the money will be shared according to the ratio stated below; a) 10% of the money will go to you for acting as the beneficiary of the fund. b) 85% to us originators (which if possible we may enter into a partnership with you). We will require from you: a) Name and address of Company or Beneficiary. b) Details of the account which you are the only signatory that the money will be transferred into. The above requirements is to legalise the claim for payment and transfer of the money to your account. Be informed that the reason we are sending you this letter is because we know that the only way to succeed is to seek the help of a foreigner. Your professional status is not a matter of hindrance in this transaction. Please, your assistance is highly solicited. We have no doubts at all that this money will be released and transferred if we get the necessary foreign partner to assist us in this deal. Therefore, when the business is successfully concluded we shall through the same connections withdraw all ducuments used from all the concerned government ministries for 100% security. All expenses regarding the opening of an account if not already in existence shall be borne by you, all expenses is however reimbursable on the conclusion of this business transaction. It is of high hope that you will consider this humble request and respond positively. If you are still in doubt after the receipt of this letter please do not hesitate to contact and ask any question(s)that may hinder your decision on this matter. Please acknowledge the receipt of this letter if you are interested.While awaiting your early response, thank you in anticipation of your most valued assistance. Yours faithfully, Mark Odege (MNIM) P.S. PLEASE TREAT AS URGENT AND CONFIDENTIAL Alternative email address:[EMAIL PROTECTED]