On Sun, Mar 30, 2003 at 12:49:16AM +0100, Perl Authors Upload Server wrote:
>     Note: pause wants me to put this in chapter 2. I don't think I'll
>     ever fully understand pause :)

Although I have approved your namespace and assigned it to chapter 3
according to your wish, I'd like to invite you to consider re-listing it
under chapter two, using PAUSE's "Edit Module Metadata" interface.

The reason is that there are currently four Exporter modules listed in
chapter 2:


and none of which are in chapter 3:


Personally, I can argue both ways about where should Exporter::Tidy
belong, but for users looking at module list, they will probably be
surprised when they do not find your module in chapter 2.

This is merely an encouragement, not a demand -- if you really wish
your module to continue reside in chapter 3, then it will be so.


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