On Tue, Mar 25, 2003 at 10:49:33PM +0100, Perl Authors Upload Server wrote:
The module is an interpreter (and kind of a chef2perl compiler) for the Chef programming language. Hence the Language:: namespace.
Currently the Language:: section in modlist says:
Language:: ::Basic adpO? Implementation of BASIC ::ML cdpf? Implementation of ML ::PGForth i ? Peter Gallasch's Forth implementation ::Prolog anpO? An implementation of Prolog JACKS ::Style cdcOa Interpreter/Compiler for the Style Language ::VBParser adp?g Visual Basic 6 source parser
And: Language::Ook RpdOp an Ook! interpreter
I uploaded Acme::Chef and I'll register the namespace now. I don't know in which section to put it, so I'll register as 99/Unknown.
Steffen -- @n=([283488072,6076],[2105905181,8583184],[1823729722,9282996],[281232, 1312416],[1823790605,791604],[2104676663,884944]);$b=6;@c=' -/\_|'=~/./g ;for(@n){for$n(@$_){map{$h=int$n/$b**$_;$n-=$b**$_*$h;[EMAIL PROTECTED] 0..11;[EMAIL PROTECTED],[EMAIL PROTECTED];[EMAIL PROTECTED]"\n"[EMAIL PROTECTED];