On Tue, Mar 25, 2003 at 10:40:21PM +0100, Perl Authors Upload Server wrote:[...]
The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
modid: Simulation::Particle
As we just got the Physics:: toplevel, do you think that Physics::Particle (or Physics::Particles) will fit your module's idea as well?
Just as well, yes. There is, however, a Simulation:: namespace, too, so I was not proposing a new namespace.
To me that name helps to clarify the module's purpose, since one can arguably simulate morphing of grammatical 'Particles' (preposition, conjunction, interjection) as well. :)
That's something I did not think of. I will gladly follow your suggestion and modify the module's namespace, reupload under the new name, remove the old distribution from CPAN, and then reregister.
Thanks again, Steffen
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