A> J> A> J> A> Uhm, if it isn't templating what is it, what is wrong with
A> J> A> J> A> HTML::PLP?

A> J> A> J> HTML is wrong with HTML::PLP. Nothing's stopping you from
A> J> A> J> serving xml,
A> J> A> J> pod, plain text or even binary data.
A> J> A> J> The description ("Perl in HTML") is wrong. I need to think of a better one.
A> J> A> J> Oh, and besides that, many people are already using PLP. I don't think
A> J> A> J> many people appreciate a name change :)

A> J> A> Please respond to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list!
A> J> As you wish :)
A> I meant with your comments.

Oh, sorry. I didn't notice you cut some of the original message.
The entire discussion is quoted above.


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