The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       PDF::Extract
  DSLIP:       bdpnp
  description: Extract sub PDF Doc from multi page PDF Doc
  userid:      NSHARROCK (Noel Sharrock)
  chapterid:   11 (String_Lang_Text_Proc)

    PDF Text::PDF


    This module is best described as a PDF page extraction tool. It
    allows a user to create a new PDF document based on extracted pages
    via page numbers requested from an original multi page PDF document.

    There is the PDF namespace which includes API2, Create, Lables,
    Report and Template. These modules focus on listing objects and
    constructing PDF documents from scratch. Then there is Text::PDF
    bundle. Text::PDF can create, modify and list PDF page objects. It
    can't delete pages from a PDF document.

    There is no module or combination of modules that would allow me to
    delete/select pages from an original PDF document and create a new

    PDF::Extract is the most logical name I can come up with

  enteredby:   NSHARROCK (Noel Sharrock)
  enteredon:   Mon Mar 24 23:24:36 2003 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::Extract         bdpnp Extract sub PDF Doc from multi page PDF Doc  NSHARROCK

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