The next version of the Module List will list the following module:

  modid:       Encode::HanExtra
  DSLIP:       Rmcpp
  description: Extra sets of Chinese encodings
  userid:      AUTRIJUS (☺唐宗漢☻)
  chapterid:   13 (Internationalization_Locale)
  enteredby:   AUTRIJUS (☺唐宗漢☻)
  enteredon:   Mon Mar 24 19:46:35 2003 GMT

The resulting entry will be:

::HanExtra        Rmcpp Extra sets of Chinese encodings              AUTRIJUS

AUTRIJUS comments:
This is the official extended Han Character encodings collection for
Perl 5.8 and above, as documented in the 'perltw' and 'perlcn' manpages;
it was created by the perl-unicode consensus and named by Jarkko.


Please allow a few days until the entry will appear in the published
module list.

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