Title: Fedpath UFO Project
The Federal UFO Working Group
What they know, What they have deduced, What they can't afford to tell you... And Why.
The True Story of a project so brilliantly conceived and so flawlessly carried out that mankind never had an inkling of it's existence until the revelations at Roswell, Bian Kara and the Antarctic rendered any other possibility moot; A story so literally Earth-Shaking that it really cannot be accepted as a simple statement of fact... You have to absorb the information, make the links work, and grow into a realization of it.  Only then will you understand the true nature of the predicament facing not only our Governments, but each and every one of us as well.  The Working Group already knows most of what will be presented here.... and they're pretty sure that You can't handle the Truth.
This story will be told in Twelve HTML Email installments, one Article every two weeks, only to those who elect to receive them.

Here then is the short introductory installment
A compendium of little known but intimately related facts which, when taken along with others, and of course the rest of the story, will alter your perception of Man and the Universe in which we live... Forever:

THAT  ( with regard to the UFO phenomenon ) Every  public statement ever made by Every  Military and Political Official in the Northern Hemisphere...  Is False ? 
  Most of us have already reached this conclusion or at least embraced the possibility at some point, but we have clearly failed to understand the true importance of the meaning underlying this Global Falsehood.

THAT  human skeletal remains have been recovered from coal and volcanic deposits more than 150 million years old ?   It is an accomplished fact, and yet how can it possibly be so, since everyone Knows that modern Man is at most 140,000 or so years old ?

THAT  fossilized modern human footprints have been found in the same beds along with fossilized dinosaur footprints ? 
Again, an accomplished fact and again everyone Knows that Man and Dinosaur couldn't possibly have existed together. So, who walked with the Dinosaurs ?

THAT  technological artifacts of machined metals have been recovered from beds of coal more than 100 million years old ?  In fact, some have been found that are much, much, much older.

THAT  in 1938 the skeletal remains of eleven alien bodies were discovered in China's Ula Mountains and that these remains have been Radio-Carbon dated as to having been alive approximately 12,500 years ago ?

THAT  these types of anomalous artifacts have been and are being routinely unearthed at locations all over the planet and that the facts of such discoveries are just as routinely suppressed by all of the Governments and Scientific Institutions of the "Civilized" World ? 

What could they possibly know that could result in a deception of this magnitude ?

            In the Halls of Power, what Thing could be known to the policy-makers and yet be so
           dangerous that it is never spoken of ?   What unspoken "evil" could lead all Nations
           down the path of unilateral suppression;  To an article of UN policy requiring the
           destruction of any landed alien life-form; To a Military Policy of Capture, Interrogate
           and Kill  ?  What on Earth could possibly cause these Governments and institutions of
           "Higher Learning" to ridicule their Doctors, Lawyers, Police Officers and Citizens,
            for the simple act of behaving like the good citizens they are and reporting a UFO ?  


THAT  the so-called "Rods" are not a life-form, but rather, little autonomous machines ?  Has anyone else noticed the sudden military interest in and the rapidly escalating funding for a plethora of "little autonomous machine" projects since the first discovery of the Rods on CCD Imagers ?  

THAT  scientists at one of our National Laboratories have recently proven ( by doing it ) that it is possible to send matter both forward and backward in time ?  It has been done only with single atomic particles....but what if the universe could be "fooled" into thinking that a ship posessed the attributes of the right kind of atomic particle ?  Of course, atomic particles of certain kinds can also travel at or near the speed of light.... So, apparently, can UFOs.   

THAT  when traveling in space ( at less than light-speed ); It is possible for a ship to traverse the known universe..... in less than 5 years ?   
This is not merely speculation, but an absolutely proven fact.

THAT  The Moon has been shown to have been created from the Earth itself as the result of a collision with a rather large planetoid billions of years ago ? 
But we have also shown that the Moon is demonstrably much older than the Earth..... How could this possibly be so ?

THAT  the Flood,  recorded in the religious and historical writings from every continent on earth did in fact happen as reported ?   It did take place and contemporaneously with a steep decline in the Human population ( to only a few thousand individuals ).  A wall of water more than a mile high raced across the surface of every continent on Earth.  In North America, it traveled from Florida to Alaska where it deposited the rolled, tumbled and broken remains of virtually every living thing on the continent.  These deposits, laid down in long rows, are still present just above the Arctic Circle in Alaska. Some of them are more than 5000 feet deep. The frozen plant matter is still green, the broken bones are unfossilized and the animal tissue still bloody.
In reaching the conclusions that we will present in the following 12 HTML White Papers, we have adhered to the following basic tenets;

1.  That all of the statements made by every authority over the past 50 years are False and have been issued for the sole purpose of deception.
... They have conditioned us to mistrust our own experience and our innate intellectual capabilities.

2.  That the ridicule and miss-characterization of people interested in the included subject matter is an intentional part of that purpose of deception.
... They have conditioned us to fear non-conformity.

3.  That reasonable evidence, experience and observation presented by otherwise reasonable people, constitutes acceptable evidence, experience and observation.
...They have conditioned us to mistrust ourselves, our judgement, our senses and each other.

4.  We do not engage in foolish debate, nor entertain the discussion of subjects like the land of Mu, Chupacabras, raliens and the like.  These subjects are a part of the deception.
....Forget about them. In the discovered scheme of things, They mean absolutely nothing.

5.  Remember that the world is populated by religious and political Fundamentalists of every ilk and variety.  It doesn't matter what colors they fly. They are all the same and are by definition dangerous, bigoted, narrow-minded cretins.  Keep this in mind and ....
never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups

6.  In order to support this publishing endeavor, we are charging a fee of $ 1.00 ( One Dollar ) per Article.   If you are interested in the rest of the story, you can order the 12-Article package from either PAYPAL or 2-CHECKOUT  or play it safe and initially order just the first 6-Articles.   You will find them to be among the most informative that you have ever read.   In any event they are rather lengthy and so we have chosen this delivery method to limit and control our bandwidth, storage and delivery costs.  We prefer to deliver in "Rich Text" ( HTML ) since it allows us to securely include images and related file types without having to send separate attached files.
It would be comforting if all of these observations were incorrect.  The problem is that they really ARE correct and do give an accurate representation of reality, a true and accurate representation of The Way Things Are.

It would be comforting if the Pyramids and the Sphinx had been built by one of the modern Egyptian Kings and were only a few thousand years old instead of the 12,554 years that they have proven to be.  We have chosen to end the debate and accept this age as being factual.

It would be comforting if Alien abductions were a figment of our collective imagination. The problem is that they actually have been and are taking place and we all know it.  There is simply no such thing as a mass halucination and we all know that too.

It would be comforting if we didn't have to deal with the fact of low-yield Nuclear detonations over the cities of Sodom and Gomorah and the fact that God neither needs nor uses low-yield Nukes.

It would be comforting if we didn't have to deal with the Bahagvagita, the Epic of Gilgamesh and their historical records of technological civilizations destroyed in a great war with aliens,  and images of flying saucers, along with their occupants,  painted by the hand of ancient man on the walls of his caves; to say nothing of the presence and appearance of those same images on the canvases of some of the  greatest religious works of art ever produced by man. 

It would be comforting if we could ignore the common thread of genetic manipulation that runs through both the ancient and modern experience of our species, anchored firmly in our prehistoric past and wending it's way through the very fabric of our social and religious history and beliefs.

                                It appears that we may have been introduced to the wrong God

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