
I recently requested that a NIKC account be set up.  Checking the
mailing list archives I can see that this has been done.

However, I never received the confirmation message.  I've tried the
'Forgot password' link on the PAUSE web site, but I'm not receiving
those messages either.  I suspect over aggressive spam filtering 
by the FreeBSD.org mail admins -- if the mail is being sent by a host
which HELO's (or EHLO's) with a hostname that its IP address does not
reverse-resolve to, the message will be rejected.

Without getting in to a debate about the pros/cons of this, could the
e-mail address on the NIKC account please be set to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], which is less aggressive about these


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FreeBSD Documentation Project    http://www.freebsd.org/docproj/    \\\'',)
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