>>>>> On Wed, 5 Mar 2003 06:19:05 -0800, Scott Walters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> Hi. > Before submitting a formal proposal, I'd like to test the waters: would there > be any desire for a (rather large) documentation-only module in CPAN's indexes? > http://wiki.slowass.net/assemble.cgi?PerlDesignPatterns > I've packaged that up as a module as well: > http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-authors/id/S/SW/SWALTERS/Object-PerlDesignPatterns-0.01.tar.gz > Thanks very much for your time and attention, Very nice, thanks for your work on this, it looks promising. I think a regular upload of this to CPAN will be OK, but let's consider our options about *how* to upload it. Looking at the sizes 612352 PerlDesignPatterns.html 515881 PerlDesignPatterns.pm 420174 SWALTERS/Object-PerlDesignPatterns-0.01.tar.gz 575971 SWALTERS/Perl_Design_Patterns_book_20021008.html we see, the .tar.gz file is not much smaller than the HTML file. Nobody will be interested in old versions of it. Looks like you should just upload the PerlDesignPatterns.html regularly (maybe once a month). Note: files matching /\.html$/ can be uploaded again and again. If you want to have "PerlDesignPatterns" in the modules' index, you should probably write a module using LWP that fetches the PerlDesignPatterns.html from the CPAN or from your server or gives instructions how to do that. The downside would be that C< perldoc Object::PerlDesignPatterns > will only show the manpage for the module, but that's probably better than showing the whole document as a manpage because it's not suited for man(1) and best viewed with a browser. -- andreas