The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       Config::Simple
  DSLIP:       RdpOp
  description: Simple configuration file class
  userid:      SHERZODR (Sherzod Ruzmetov)
  chapterid:   12 (Opt_Arg_Param_Proc)



    Config::Simple has been one CPAN for a while already, and I believe
    it deserves a place on the modulelist.

    Config::Simple is a class that parses, manipulates and writes
    various kinds of configuration file formats, thus the namespace
    Config::. It determines the format of the configuration file
    automaticly before parsing, but implements the same, user-friendly,
    simple interface to manipulate them, thus the name ::Simple.

  enteredby:   SHERZODR (Sherzod Ruzmetov)
  enteredon:   Mon Feb 24 06:57:13 2003 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::Simple          RdpOp Simple configuration file class              SHERZODR

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