
I sent in this request years ago, and I was wondering if we could
make this adjustment in the modules list. I have removed the backwards
compatibilty wrapper from the latest release.


Sander van Zoest                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
San Diego, CA, US                                 http://Sander.vanZoest.com/

----- Forwarded message from Sander van Zoest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 20:26:23 -0700 (PDT)
From: Sander van Zoest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: REQ: rename MPEG::ID3v1Tag to MP3::ID3v1Tag on modules list.


1) I would like to rename my module MPEG::ID3v1Tag to MP3::ID3v1Tag in
   the modules list. 

   The latest release (1.10) is already renamed, it is just that the modules 
   list hasn't been update to reflect this name change.


What do you think?

Sander van Zoest                                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
High Geek                                    http://www.vanZoest.com/sander/

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