In the past year I have been working on improvements and fixes for the
Authen::Radius module. Current version, available at the CPAN is 0.05, dated
1997. Me and my colleagues made a few contributions (like support for the
Cisco AVpair attributes, possibility to include dictionaries and so on).
Currently Authen::Radius 0.07 is distributed as a part of the FreeBSD
installation for the PortaBilling (commercial software we are selling). We
would like however to share updated version of the Authen::Radius with the
other CPAN users. I have contacted current author of the Authen::Radius
module more that half of the year ago, but did not get any response yet.
Could you please assist me in contacting the author or, if it seems that he
does not participate in the Authen::Radius development anymore, transfer
ownership for this module to me (PAUSE nickname MANOWAR)?
Thank you in advance.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Authen::Radius module
Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 22:02:55 +0200
From: Andrew Zhilenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: NEXTRA Czech Republic s.r.o.
To: Carl Declerck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I believe my colleagues tried to contact you before, but I'm afraid they
did not get any response. We are using Authen::Radius module for script
which tests Radius server performance/functionality. We have made a few
improvements in the existing version and we would like to contribute this
to the CPAN users. Can we just send you our version of code and you will
post it to CPAN? If you do not have time, or you are not interested in
maintaining Authen::Radius - just say so, we can submit it to the CPAN
as a new module...