A-ha! I understand now. CPAN.pm grabs the latest version of every module, rather than those from my latest release (I can see how that caused you some problems). Since that difficulty I had with WinCVS last summer, it started the version numbers over on some of my modules.
I knew I should learn more about how CPAN works, so I guess now is that time.
BTW: I had already scheduled v2.23 for deletion (last night). Doesn't matter I guess, since v2.16 (which I left) has a NLv1.04, too . . .
I'm working on it . . . bundling these modules makes more sense anyway, so perhaps that's the way I'll go (or do I have to own a namespace to do that? hmm . . .)
At 09:55 PM 1/17/2003 -0800, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
>>>>> "Glenn" == Glenn Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Glenn> Randal -
Glenn> Good idea. Scraper is so dependant on search engines' formats that
Glenn> older versions are practically worthless anyhow. I've deleted most of
Glenn> them.
Glenn> I have significantly improved Scraper::NorthernLight (and some other
Glenn> things) and uploaded Scraper v2.27.
Still broken. After installing 2.27, I get the following from CPAN.pm:
cpan> r /Scraper/
Package namespace installed latest in CPAN file
WWW::Search::Scraper::NorthernLight 1.04 1.09 G/GL/GLENNWOOD/Scraper-2.23.tar.gz
Yup. It wants me to install Scraper 2.23 now. Still.
The easiest way is to delete all old versions from the CPAN. They're
still in the "backpan", so you don't have to clutter the CPAN up any
Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <URL:http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/>
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