

Dear Sir or Madam,


We are afraid you are NOT satisfied with your capital income at all. The reason is obvious: you do not have the right tool.


As a remedy to your problem, we have the right tool: MATRYX has delivered 35% net return last year in real time. At present MATRYX currency program is ranked at the 5th place in a one-year performance period on the CTA Consistency Index List: www.cta-index.com


The alternatives: the bearish stock market, historically low yield on fixed income investments, keeping cash of weakening dollars.


From now on, your financial success or failure depends solely on you.


Our website will help you to arrive at a wise decision: www.nexitnet.com


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For further information please contact us via email or phone call:



Phone: +361 2663505

Phone: +361 2673382

Fax:     +361 2662321


Best regards,


Nandor, Zoltan, Balazs, Judy









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