Alameda/Rose City Health Online - A Primer for Holiday Survival (And Beyond&) 

"Take turns...."

We would like to wish you and yours a most enjoyable 
holiday season and a happy, healthy New Year!

Alameda/Rose City Health Online, as a free community service, broadcasts 
health information to many thousands of local residents to help improve 
quality of life and to provide assistance when having to make 
important healthcare decisions. 

Dorian Quinn, D.C. - Editor


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1. Parent Tips - Playing & Listening
2. Did you know - "Stuff" About Tea 
3. Safety Tip of the Week - Frostnip (mild frostbite)
4. Community Calendar - Wazzup 'round town?
5. Light & Easy - Advantages of Wearing Your Baby
6. Feature Article - A Primer for Holiday Survival (And Beyond&)
7. Late Breaking Consumer & Natural Health News
8. Health Department Updates 


1. Parent Tips:

Appreciate the value of play: It is a child's work. Play is critical to all 
aspects of a child's development, but is often overlooked as a valuable
tool. Play can prevent discipline problems, offers a natural way for 
children to learn, and is essential in the formation of a positive 
relationship between parent and child. 

Talk with and listen to your child. It's important to make eye contact 
and use gentle touch when communicating with your child. Give clear 
and consistent instructions-but not too many at once. Remember the 
importance of non-verbal communication, and be sure to hold a child 
for comfort or to share smiles and hugs.


2. Did you know?

After water, tea is the most widely consumed beverage in 
the world. Tea helps maintain your body's fluid balance and is 
virtually calorie-free. Tea drinkers have been known to have
a lower risk of heart attack and stroke.

Sources: American Dietary Association, UK Tea Council, Colorado 
State University Cooperative Extension, American Heart Association 


3. Safety Tip-of-the-Week - Frostnip (mild frostbite):

Symptoms: White patches of skin on the ears, nose, cheeks, fingers, 
or toes; numbness.

What to do: Get your child inside. Have them change clothes and soak 
affected areas in warm -- not hot -- water until the skin turns pink.


4. Community Calendar: Wazzup 'round town 

If you have an upcoming event that others should know about,
just e-mail all the particulars, and we will gladly post it. 


5. Light & Easy: The Advantages of Wearing Your Baby


The Doctor's Office - Dorian Quinn, D.C. - Editor 

(Editor's Note: Although some of you might receive this article soon 
after the holiday season, the points being made, if applied year-round,
would likely serve us well. I hope you enjoy.)

A Primer for Holiday Survival (And Beyond)
Robert A. Kutner, Psy.D.

We all look forward to the holidays and hope that they will be a time 
of happiness, friendliness, fellowship, and harmony. Yet often our 
anticipation and excitement turns into feelings of depression and/or 
family disharmony. 

Part of what happens in the holiday season, in terms of mood changes 
and anxiety, may occur because of the stressfulness of holiday events. 
Overdrinking, overeating, and fatigue may also cause it. The demands 
of the season are many: shopping, cooking, and travel house guests, 
family reunions, parties, office parties, and extra financial burden.

Sometimes people who are not generally depressed actually struggle 
with holiday depression. Symptoms can include headaches, insomnia, 
uneasiness, anxiety, sadness, intestinal problems, and unnecessary 
conflict with family and friends.

Here are some tools to get through the holiday season happily-as well 
as ways to prevent problems and misery for yourself and your loved ones:

- Keep your expectations reasonable, particularly remembering that 
this year, despite being a nation facing new uncertainties, we all have 
much for which to be thankful. 

- Be reasonable with your schedule. Do not overbook yourself into a 
state of exhaustion--this makes people cranky, irritable, and depressed.

- Decide upon your priorities and stick to them. Organize your time.

- Remember, as we approach Thanksgiving, no matter what our plans, 
the Holiday does not automatically take away feelings of aloneness, 
sadness, frustration, anger, and fear.

- Be careful about resentments related to holidays past. Declare an 
amnesty with whichever family member or friend you are feeling past 
resentments. Do not feel it is helpful or intimate to tell your relative 
every resentment on your long laundry list of grievances. Don't let your 
relative do that to you, either.

- Don't expect the holidays to be just as they were when you were a 
child. They NEVER are. YOU are not the same as when you were a 
child, and no one else in the family is either.

- Feeling like you are under scheduled or under planned for the holidays? 
Volunteer to serve Thanksgiving Dinner at a homeless shelter. Work 
with any number of groups that help poor children at the holidays. 
There are many, many opportunities for doing community service. No 
one can be depressed when they are doing community service.

- Plan unstructured, low-cost fun holiday activities: window-shop and 
look at the Holiday decorations. Look at people's Christmas lighting on 
their homes, take a trip to the countryside, etc.--the opportunities are 

- If you can drink, do not let the holidays become a reason for 
over-indulging and hangovers. This will exacerbate your depression 
and anxiety. Contrary to popular opinion, alcohol is a depressant.

- Give yourself a break; create time for yourself to do the things YOU love to do. 

Most of all, if you find yourself feeling blue, remember: The Choice 
is Always Yours: The sky is partly sunny, and the glass is half full, if you 
want it to be that way. Depression is usually a clinical disorder, but 
sometimes "the blues" confront all of us, particularly at holiday time. It 
may be caused by the memory of loss, feelings of disappointment, or 
just being run down from parties, overeating, and drinking. But for 
many of us, holiday depression can be a choice we, in effect, choose to make. 

If we choose not to make this choice, we can choose instead to focus 
on the partly sunny skies and revel in our gratitude for our bounty, 
health, hope, and our courage to face each day with hope and determination.

Robert A. Kutner, Psy.D. 


6. Healthy Scoop: Check out the latest in Natural & Consumer Health News 


7. Health Departments Updates

1. Healthy Alternatives: Spontaneous healing
Deepak Chopra - Alternative

2. Chiropractic Pediatrics: Choosing safe toys

3. Dentistry & Orthodontics: Myths and facts about cavities

4. Exercise & Fitness: Office aerobics

5. Chiropractic: Healthy computing: Breathe in, breathe out...

6. Family Medicine: For the diabetic, life without injections

7. Mental Health & Personal Growth: Can laughter help us heal?

8. Women's Health: Mammogram or not?

9. Heart & Circulation: Aneurysm screening saves lives

10. Podiatry: Treat your tootsies to strawberries

11. Physical & Occupational Therapy: Exercise keeps disability on the run

12. Seniors, Only: Boosting that memory



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This online health and news magazine developed by 
Healthy Practices, Inc. is intended to provide health information 
to improve quality of life and assist users to better understand their 
health and arrange more easily for healthcare services. 

Information provided is authored by local and national healthcare 
professionals, some affiliated with this e-magazine. Other information 
is from outside sources, including nationally recognized healthcare 
resources, organizations and professional groups. 

This e-magazine is not an attempt to replace the need to seek 
healthcare services or to provide specific healthcare advice. Information
provided should not be used to diagnose or dispute a qualified 
healthcare professional's judgment. 

We strongly encourage users to consult with a qualified healthcare 
professional for personal healthcare attention and answers to personal questions. 


We hope you enjoyed today's e-mail broadcast.
Until next time, relax and enjoy! 

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