Hello World, Name: Kevin C. Krinke Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] CPAN UID: KCK
I plan on contributing User Dialog Perl Module (http://udpm.sf.net) to the wonderful world of CPAN. Description: Perl extension for User Dialogs UDPM strives to be full-featured and robust in everything to do with simple end-user interfaces. Care has been taken to provide a clean OO interface to common command line utilities as well as providing a native ascii mode simulating the various interface widgets. Not that it really pertains to CPAN all that much but I just thought I'd mention it; I also wrote SSH ManaGeR (http://sshmgr.sf.net) and sometime in the future I'll be creating a PM of some sort to compliment the utility. My main reason for mentioning it is that it's completely Perl (aside from the fact that it's a wrapper for ssh) and depends upon the CPAN module AppConfig. -- Kevin C. Krinke "Open Minds Providing Open Source Solutions..." Open Door Software Inc.