> If you mailed us to register a module namespace
> -----------------------------------------------
> This may take up to a week.  If you haven't received email confirming
> your namespace registration by then, please poke us (gently).

Oh! I would like to (gently) poke you. One month ago I requested to register
a module namespace and I haven't heard for you. :)

Could you tell me something?


Fermin Palacios
perl -le '$_=$,=q,\,@4O,,s,^$,$\,,s,s,^,b9,s,$_^=q,$\^-]!,,print'

>  Received: (qmail 56127 invoked by uid 76); 20 Nov 2002 00:39:35 -0000
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>  Message-Id: <002f01c2902d$30d61620$8196a6d4@goku>
>  From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Ferm=EDn_Palacios_Torres?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Subject: ES:: modules in CPAN
>  Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 01:38:47 +0100
>  MIME-Version: 1.0
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>  your name : Fermín Palacios Torres
>  your email address : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  your homepage if you have one : http://www.fitipaldis.com
>  your preferred user-ID on CPAN: HOPES
>  Description:
>  I want to make this modules at least:
>  Business::ES::CCC -> Validate client code accounts for Spanish accounts
>  (Spanish now is only from Spain).
>  ES::NIF -> Validate NIFs (A string which identifies one person in Spain,
>  is a "unique" ID)
>  ES::CIF -> Validate CIFs (A string which identifies one enterprise in
>  it is a "unique" ID )
>  I've read this:
>  http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/modules/2001-09/msg00172.html
>  and I think that ES::NIF and ES::CIF are better than
>  Number::ID::ES::NIF and Number::ID::ES::CIF because a NIF and a CIF are
>  numbers with a letter (so, strings)
>  How about Sring::ID::ES::NIF and String::ID::ES::CIF?
>  May be, but I think that is positive to start developing ES:: modules
>  Cz or No.
>  Now, it would be good to notice that ES::NIF modules and ES::CIF make
>  in Spain, not for "Spanish language".
>  Many linguas doesn't have this problem (but Spanish have, like English).
>  How do you think that we can solve this?
>  Do you think that would be better to make Sp:: modules instead of ES::
>  modules?
>  In my opinion, ES:: is very much representative than Sp::, but I would
>  to hear more opinions.
>  Cheers
>  Fermin Palacios
>  perl -le '$_=$,=q,\,@4O,,s,^$,$\,,s,s,^,b9,s,$_^=q,$\^-]!,,print'

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