The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       Hash::WithDefaults
  DSLIP:       Rdprp
  description: hashes fetching nonexisting items in others
  userid:      JENDA (Jan Krynicky)
  chapterid:    6 (Data_Type_Utilities)



    This module allows you to specify the case sensitivity / mangling
    behaviour of hash and allows you to specify several defaults. That
    is other hashes in which the keys not found in the current hash are
    looked up:

    %defaults = {x => 99, a => -5}; tie %hash, 'Hash::WithDefault',
    'Preserve', {a => 5, b => 10}; tied(%hash)->AddDefault(\%defaults);
    print "\$hash{a}=$hash{a}\n"; # prints $hash{a}=5 print
    "\$hash{x}=$hash{x}\n"; # prints $hash{x}=99

    This is usefull if you have some configuration in a HoH (eg. read
    from an INI file) and want to use some sections as defaults for

    [:default] path=c:\project\files extensions=html,htm

    [some_section] path=c:\project\some_section interval=60

    There are these case sensitivity related options: Sensitive - the
    hash will be case sensitive Tolower - the hash will be case
    sensitive, all keys are made lowercase Toupper - the hash will be
    case sensitive, all keys are made uppercase Preserve - the hash will
    be case insensitive, the case is preserved Lower - the hash will be
    case insensitive, all keys are made lowercase Upper - the hash will
    be case insensitive, all keys are made uppercase

    I use this module in Config::IniHash. You find the module at

    (Sorry if you got this several times, the submit button doesn't
    seem to work.)

  enteredby:   JENDA (Jan Krynicky)
  enteredon:   Thu Dec  5 13:03:58 2002 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::WithDefaults    Rdprp hashes fetching nonexisting items in others  JENDA

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