This is an automated message. 

The message you sent (attached below) requires confirmation
before it can be delivered. To confirm that you sent the
message below, just hit the "R"eply button and send this
message back (you don't need to edit anything). Once this is
done, no more confirmations will ne necessary.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---


Este es un mensaje automatico.

El mensaje que usted ha enviado (mostrado mas abajo)
necesita su confirmacion antes de ser entregado. Para
confirmar que usted ha enviado el mensaje, solo presione
el boton de "R"eply y envie éste mensaje (no es necesario
editar el mensaje). Una vez realizado esto, no se
necesitarán mas confirmaciones.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---


Esta é uma mensagem automática

A mensagem que você enviou (em anexo) requer confirmação
antes de ser entregue. Para confirmar o envio basta
pressionar o botão de "Reply" e enviar esta mensagem de
volta (não é necessário editar). Uma vez que isto seja
feito, novas confirmações não serão necessárias.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---


Dies ist eine automatisch generierte Antwort.

Ihre Mail (unten angehaengt) muss vor der Zustellung an mich
explizit bestaetigt werden.  Um dies zu tun, beantworten Sie
einfach diese Mail mit der "Antworten" oder "Reply"-Funktion
Ihres Mailprogramms. Es sind keine Aenderungen am Text
noetig. Dies ist die einzige Bestaetigung die Sie je an mich
senden muessen; Ihre weiteren Nachrichten werden automatisch
akzeptiert. Diese Massnahme dient der Bekaempfung von Spam.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---


Ceci est un message automatique.

Le message que vous avez envoye (dessous) demande
confirmation avant qu'il puisse etre envoye Pour confirmer
que vous avez bien envoye le message ci-dessous, simplement
appuyez sur la touche "R"eply, et renvoyez ce message (Vous
n'avez pas besoin d'editer quoique ce soit). Une fois que
ceci est fait, vous n'avez pas besoin d'autre confirmations.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Questo è un messaggio automatico.
Il messaggio che hai spedito (allegato sotto) richiede una
conferma prima che sia consegnato. Per confermare che sei
tu che hai spedito il messaggio, basta cliccare il tasto
"R"eply e rispedirlo nuovamente (non hai bisogno di scrivere
nessuna altra informazione aggiuntiva).  Fatto questo,
nessuna altra conferma è richiesta.

--- Original Message Follows ---

Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 10:19:28 +0100
Subject: Welcome new user JDEVLIN
From: "Perl Authors Upload Server" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

(This mail has been generated automatically by the Perl Authors Upload
Server on behalf of the admin [EMAIL PROTECTED])

As already described in a separate message, you're a registered Perl
Author with the userid JDEVLIN. For the sake of approval I have
assigned to you a change-password-only-password that enables
you to pick your own password. This password is ``02639f97''
(without the enclosing quotes). Please visit either


and use this password to initialize yourself in the ordinary
authentication database. Once you have entered your password there,
your one-time password is expired automatically.

If for whatever reason the procedure doesn't work the first time you
try, please visit http://pause.perl.org/password.html and send me a
password of your choice according to these guidelines. Thanks.


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Active Spam Killer (ASK) V2.0.2 - (C) 2001-2002 by Marco Paganini
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