Title: The Best 99 Fundraising Case Studies

Do you dream of boosting the capacity of your nonprofit but don't know where to begin?

Here is the solution - The world's two best selling manuals on Fundraising and Marketing. Comprehensive coverage of INSIDERS secrets that are allowing NGO's worldwide to raise funds and get their message across effectively.

Learn from your peers; learn about their success!


1. Fundraising Case Studies
Buy the MANUAL with 99 case studies of the best ever fundraising programs and earned income ventures before December 10th AND YOU WILL ALSO RECEIVE - FREE, AT NO ADDITIONAL COST six months of daily updates of new case studies by successful nonprofits and charities.

Examples of case studies:

  • Corporate adopts charity
  • Companies use charities for publicity
  • Celebrity chefs pool talents
  • Opportunity in credit card over-ride

Since 1989, the publishers of the daily (business finance) newspaper for fundraisers -  Nonprofit and Charity News - have been assisting NGOs, nonprofits, charities and education. 

Now you too can benefit from their expertise and resources.

The 99 best case studies from the archives of Nonprofit and Charity News have now been compiled into ONE COMPREHENSIVE MANUAL. Written from a "business finance" perspective, just one idea will reimburse you for the purchase many times over.

What are you waiting for...

Recent purchasers of our manual include The Fundraising Institute of Ireland (Dublin), Telfair Museum of Art (Savannah, Georgia), New Plymouth Hospital Foundation (New Zealand), Save the Children Australia (Melbourne), UN Development Agency (Geneva), Metro Food Bank (Halifax, Nova Scotia), Cancer Council Australia (Sydney), PVHMC Foundation (Pomona, California), CIMMYT (Mexico City), Asociacion Andes (Cusco, Peru), Leukaemia Foundation (Melbourne, Australia) and Papanui Softball Association (Christchurch, New Zealand) - and many more.

2. Marketing & Communications for NGOs, nonprofits, charities and education
This knowledge will build your organisation over the next 20 years - showing you how to adapt successful applications of Marketing and Communications employed by your peers world-wide as they too strive to develop economically sustainable and industry-relevant business models. Can you afford not to be this well informed? 

Examples of what you will learn from the 127 case studies in the manual:

  • Free internet marketing guide
  • New strategic approach
  • First attempt at membership bonding
  • New direction for Spastic Society
  • Postcard campaign targets politicians
  • Archive gives access to previous Q+A
  • Boost for member services
  • Orchestra seeks niche sponsors
  • 12 months of positive media with celebrity endorsement
  • Youth Council gains publicity by championing new youth court model

Fundraising Case Studies Volume 1 and the Marketing & Communications for Nonprofits and Charities are just US$315 but if you act quickly by the December 10th deadline for this offer, you will receive for just $1 extra the following bonus. 

3. Dynamic Internet Applications
This manual and the associated daily updates will keep you abreast of exciting developments in this rapidly expanding arena. You will see how your peers - both locally and worldwide - are using the internet for

  • Fundraising 
  • Marketing (including direct one-to-one marketing)
  • Communications (both intranets and newsletters)
  • Membership Bonding 
  • Building Communities 
  • Taking management programs online
  • Boosting Resources and 
  • Reducing operational expenses by using ISPs.

There are 137 examples in the Dynamic Internet Applications Manual, plus you will also receive daily updates for the next six months. 

Order Now - And Receive Two Bonuses!

Bonus 1
- daily updates - a six month subscription to "Nonprofit and Charity News"
Bonus 2 - free access to the consultancy at NGO Resources Worldwide

Now you can join a group of successful nonprofit entrepreneurs who have discovered how to turn a good idea into a great idea...by taking full advantage of the 3 benefit Nonprofit Success program.

The cost of Fundraising Case Studies Volume 1, Marketing & Communications for Nonprofits and Charities and the Dynamic Internet Applications Manuals purchased separately is US$485. Act within 72 hours of receiving this email and you will save a massive US$169 and all 3 Manuals will be  yours for just US$316 

Don't miss out - offer expires on December 10th, 2002

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