In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Olivier Poitrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> My class implements 3 protocols : SMTP, ESMTP and LMTP. ESMTP inherit
> from SMTP and LMTP from ESMTP (as describe in RFCs). So isn't it a
> problem to use 3 namespaces (Net::SMTP::Server, Net::ESMTP::Server and
> Net::LMTP::Server) ? Another problem is that Net::SMTP::Server already
> exists.

do you need to rewrite Net::SMTP::Server or can you work with the
existing ones?

if you submit namespace requests for the other ones i'll approve those
unless anyone else has something to say about it.  that gets you
started at least.

brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins),
please send all messages back to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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