_brian_d_foy wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Perl Authors Upload Server 
>>  modid:       CAM::Template
>>  similar:
>>    HTML::Template
>>  rationale:
>>    This module used to be proprietary code of Clotho Advanced Media
>>    ("CAM") but is now released under the GPL.
> CAM makes me think of "Computer Aided Modeling".  i don't think
> anyone is going to think "Clotho".
> how is templating system different from the many others?

You have a good point.  "Clotho" would perhaps be a more readable
prefix.  However, we have been using the "CAM" root namespace for a long
while, internally and on customer sites.  We would prefer to leave it as
"CAM", but will change it for public releases if there is strong objection.

>From a public standpoint, the main advantage of our templating system
over HTML::Template is that ours supports an easily modifiable template
syntax.  I currently use CAM::Template to support two incompatible sets
of templates.

>From a personal standpoint, the main advantage of CAM::Template is that
it supports the specific template syntaxes that are used in our projects
(selfish, I know).

Furthermore, the CAM::Template API is extended in a few subclasses that
we use internally (not yet publicly released): CAM::EmailTemplate
(sending templated email messages) and CAM::Template::Cache (storing the
 filled template in a MySQL cache).

Chris Dolan

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