The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       Image::Maps::Plot::FromPostcode
  DSLIP:       MdpOp
  description: Plot various maps from postal codes
  userid:      LGODDARD (Lee Goddard)
  chapterid:   18 (Images_Pixmaps_Bitmaps)
    london perlmongers few years back

    Leon Brocad's WorldMap module


    Leon Brocad's WorldMap module does something simillar, and was
    released a few months after this, coming from the same discussion.
    His takes lat/long co-ords, this takes international postal codes.

  enteredby:   LGODDARD (Lee Goddard)
  enteredon:   Thu Nov  7 16:24:42 2002 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::FromPostcode    MdpOp Plot various maps from postal codes          LGODDARD

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