OK -if that's the vote then I will live with it.  As I said the GnomeVFS
case is slightly different in that that is the name of the library
( http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/gnome-vfs/index.html ) - but in the
interests of peace :-) ....  It is far more important to get the general
scheme of VFS::x VFS::y etc. going.


On Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 01:25:55PM +0100, Arthur Bergman wrote:
> Hi,
> Just because the library is named GnomeVFS doesn't mean it have to have 
> that name on CPAN does it? Doesn't VFS::Gnome give enough credit to the 
> underlying library? Why do we need to to say the obscure acronym ;) 
> twice in 15 characters, taking up 6!
> I don't really mind between VFS:: and FileSys::Virtual, if you are 
> really planning on writing
> an abstract VFS.pm that is designed to work with multiple 
> implmentations I am think VFS should be a go. However I don't think 
> VFS::GnomeVFS should be a go.
> VFS::GnomeVFS
> VFS::ApacheVFS
> VFS::DarwinVFS
> VFS::LinuxVFS
> Doesn't read well at all.
> Regards Arthur
> On onsdag, nov 6, 2002, at 13:12 Europe/Stockholm, Piers Harding wrote:
> >
> > Granted - GnomeVFS is possibly a bit repetitious, but in this case
> > GnomeVFS is the name of the Gnome library that is being used as a VFS
> > driver.   However, Filsys::Virtual is excessively verbose, as there
> > is allready a degree of acceptance in the Open Source community at
> > large of the meaning of the VFS acronym being Virtual File System -
> > hence GnomeVFS ( not to mention other projects such as Apache and the
> > VFS component, Linux etc. ).
> >
> > consider this as a potential usage model:
> >
> > VFS using core Perl  functions for the driver might be called like this
> > -
> > use VFS;
> >
> > If a user wanted to use the functions capable of a certain driver they
> > could address it like this -
> >
> > use VFS GnomeVFS;
> > or
> > use VFS qw(GnomeVFS);
> > or
> > use VFS q/:gnomevfs/;
> >
> > The point being that the VFS core can be used in limited situatiions,
> > and additional drivers, pulled in as required, even at run time.
> >
> > This lends it's self to a node-leaf relationship with -
> > VFS.pm
> > VFS/LWP.pm <--- VFS functions based on LWP
> > VFS/GnomeVFS.pm
> > VFS/SomeOtherLib.pm
> > ..
> >
> >
> > Cheers.
> >

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