"Back to Middle Earth" is a musical project inspired by the magical realms created by J.R.R Tolkien. The project is a collection of musical pieces related to main plot landmarks of the trilogy Lord of the Rings.
"Back to Middle Earth" is a tribute to the phenomenal work of J.R.R. Tolkien, It was composed by a dedicated Tolkien fan and it is free for downloading for all the tolkienians out there... http://www.mp3.com/elwing May the Valar protect you on your path under the sky :) Current track list: Intro (One Ring to rule them all) Long Expected Party Hobbiton Old Forest Bree (At the sign of the Prancing Pony) Rivendell Treason of Isengard Way to Caradhras Khazad Dum Lothlurien Anduin Helm's Deep Ride of the Rohirrim Dead Swamps Minas Morgul Minas Tirith Return of the King More tracks will be added soon... With love Elwing Important notice: You may reply directly to this message, but it is recommended to contact the artist through the artist page itself.