The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       Remedy::ARSTools
  DSLIP:       bdpOp
  description: Provides object interface to ARSperl
  userid:      AHICOX (Andrew Hicox)
  chapterid:   23 (Miscellaneous_Modules)

    ARS, Remedy::Ar


    This module provides an OO interface to the ARS module.
    Additionally, this module provides caching of field table data in an
    external file, reducing the number of times the field table data
    must be retrieved from the remedy server. There is also a method for
    parsing raw remedy diary fields in the format which they are stored
    in a database.

  enteredby:   AHICOX (Andrew Hicox)
  enteredon:   Wed Oct 30 15:44:43 2002 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::ARSTools        bdpOp Provides object interface to ARSperl         AHICOX

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