First, I wish to introduce myself as DR BASHIR UMAR,Vice-chairman petroleum task force office of the presidency, Federal Republic of Nigeria. I and my colleagues have $34m (Thirty four million United states dollars) which we wish to invest - $24m (twenty four million) for a first term of five years .The remaining $US10m (Ten million United States Dollars) will be set aside for our political project next year 2003. The money is in 2 boxes deposited safely in a security company. We are interested in capital growth and stable economy.During a meeting with my colleagues,we agreed to channel the money into investment abroad and that I should look for a reliable foreign partner who would help me transfer the money abroad. Bearing our preference in mind,I am soliciting for your assistance by this mail.This should be by way of assisting us in moving this money out and putting it into a viable investment, 20% of the money would be yours,5% would be used for expenses,then the remaining 75% will be for me and my associates down here. The important factor here is that you must be in position to help us invest this money in any good busines in your country. Possibly if we can agree to work together confidentially, be rest assured that your interest will be highly protected because we wish to have a meeting, know each other face to face and sign an agreement in place to protect each party,s interest. It is important to inform you that this business is risk free both now and in future. Hoping to hear from you soonest. Warmest regards. DR BASHIR UMAR (Vice Chairman) Petroleum Task Force